Welcome, wanderer


Jan 7th, 2022

2 min read

It's great to have you here!

Plitvice lake

This is me. It's good to see you!


Hello and welcome to my humble blog!
My name is Hoon Wee, and I am a freelance software engineer from South Korea.

Purpose of building my personal blog

External brain hard-drive

I am a very curious person so I spend a lot of time searching and reading new stuffs. Unfortunately I realized that most of the things in my head just vanishes very soon, so I'd decided to write down to revisit what I've learned before.

So mainly this blog should work as my external brain-harddrive, plus the act of 'writing' something itself will help my brain to memorize things better.

Cause I can just make it

Why not make one if one can make his/her own blog? As a software developer, building own blog is a perpetual side project with lots of benefits - it will enhance your web development skills, web designing, and fully customizable (which I can get a passive income with adding ad section in future).

Expected readers?

Mostly I'll write about software development, UI/UX design for informative posts. However also I'd love to write about my daily life, and some meaningless philosophy like a personal diary.

For visitors who seek for the common knowledge could get some useful information from my blog.


How often will I post

My goal is to post at least an article per week. I hope that I am not too lazy :).

Feature enhancements

This blog is not in it's final form; actually it will never be. I'll make small changes everytime when there are some cool functionalities to add in my website, although it shouldn't be done too often.

Developers who are curious about how I built this website should find out at this link.


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